Extra & Co-
Curricular Activities
Alma School’s extra-curricular activities includes a variety of sports and
culture activities which have developed; evolved and improved over the
years. We take great pride in the quality of extra-curricular activities we
offer at our school. The leaners can choose between a variety of
sporting codes such as karate, cricket, netball, soccer, golf and athletics.
The learners who partake in these activities get the opportunity to
perform at school functions, at old age homes (outreach program), as
well as at our school concerts/cultural evenings.
Percussion band: We aim to teach the children to use percussion
band instruments in a rhythmical and disciplined manner and to
teach the children how to listen to the music and at the same
time, focus on the signs the conductor gives; to know when to
play. We want the learners to conduct themselves appropriately
when performing and to enjoy themselves. Learners who wants to
play in the percussion band are required to have a good sense of
rhythm and should be on a cognitive level where they are able to
understand instructions and follow them appropriately. The
children use instruments like drums, sticks, and tambourines.
Wheelchair dancing: This cultural activity includes learners in
wheelchairs that are partnered up with an able learner to perform
a rehearsed dance item. During this time the learners are
encouraged to engage with one another by having fun and
building new friendships.
Choir / Chorus: The choir’s main purpose is to expose the
learners to music. Music plays a major role in the overall
development of each child. It is good for developing memory,
concentration, communication, participation, socialization,
discipline, motor skills and spatial thinking. Children with
neurological problems such as cerebral palsy get calmer and get
better at activities. Participating in music activities creates
opportunities for positive, successful and enjoyable social
participation. Music participation also relieves anxiety and stress
in children. Songs with easy melodies and words are chosen by
the teachers and learners. The teachers design most of the
associated movements and the learners are exposed to this
activity, to stimulate their creativity.
Gumboot and dance group: This activity allows the learners to
build an expressive culture and improve peer learning and
cohesion. The active, rhythmic movement as a group is good for
the holistic development (listening, moving, group work, team
building & socializing). It rejuvenates gross- and fine motor skills
and all other sensory coordination. It also encourages discipline
and the spirit of common goal among the group of learners.
Sports are practised on a weekly basis and give the learners the
opportunity to develop a variety of different skills. The teachers,
therapists and assistants involved are very enthusiastic about
coaching and guiding the learners, and love to see them reach their
full potential
Athletics: Athletics takes place during the first term: At the
beginning of the year we have a fun filled day of house sport
where all the learners have the opportunity to participate
and show their potential. The top leaners of each item, from
each age group then train further and join other LSEN
schools in the Inter-schools’ event where they can qualify to
compete on Interprovincial level.
Soccer and netball: Mostly takes place in the second term:
All the boys and girls have the opportunity to participate in
these two sport codes. Alma School hosts an annual soccer-
and netball tournament where other LSEN schools enrol
teams to participate. All the teams participate in a knockout
tournament to win the trophy. Some of the boys that are
involved in the soccer also have the opportunity to compete
in monthly matches hosted by Special Olympics LSEN
Karate: Throughout the year karate classes are structured
and presented in a disciplined, fun and artistic manner; to
encourage movement or increase skill on a gross motor level
and develop essential posture; while developing and
stimulating character, sincerity, etiquette, effort and self-
control. Leaners are exposed to the JKS style of karate and
selected learners are rewarded with the opportunity to
grade and compete in various tournaments (which includes
provincial and national level competition), based on their
commitment to the Dojo Kun (“class rules”).
Golf: Throughout the year our golf has expanded a great
deal within a couple of years. We now have two main groups
that we focus on here at Alma. Firstly, we have the “Abled-
bodies” golf that focuses more on learners who have the
ability to partake in the Special Olympics LSEN program.
Secondly, we also focus on learners that are still developing
their skills by participating in the First Swing program by
SADGA (South African Disabled Golf Association), who we are
affiliated to. SADGA train and supports our coaches. The
learners play in an annual Inter-schools’ tournament, hosted
Cricket: Throughout the year Alma School is fortunate to
have two main focus groups within this sporting code. Our
senior cricket players participate in the Titan’s cricket league
(program) for LSEN schools. They help and support our
coaches and our learners and organize matches against
other schools. Our junior cricket players partake in the KFC
mini cricket league for LSEN schools. These learners have the
opportunity to play matches every second week.
Interhouse and Interspes: Third term: Interhouse and
Interspes involve the “differently-abled” learners in tailor-
made activities that challenge them physically. This event has
10 different items (potato race, wheelchair slalom, ten pin
bowling, scooter race, etc.). These learners participate in our
annual INTERHOUSE event, where after an Alma team is
chosen to compete against 10 other LSEN schools in our